pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker pdc builds marketing automation processes for Jungheinrich We look forward to the collaboration. pdc is building marketing automation and customer management processes for Jungheinrich. Together, after intensive workshops and meetings, the relevant keys to ef...
Bleon Pajaziti oCustomer Helpdesk oCustomer Helpdesk - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Complex Help Desk and Ticketing for Customer Service Description oCustomer Helpdesk is a flexible and scalable tool for managing and pro...
Bleon Pajaziti oBusiness Helpdesk oBusiness Helpdesk - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Complex Help Desk and Ticketing for Customer Service Description oBusiness Helpdesk is an internal tool that helps companies provide eff...
Bleon Pajaziti oGoodwillflow oGoodwillflow - Control, Management of Goodwill Management and Verification Description oGoodwillflow is a solution that allows partners or merchants to initiate a refund request through a form that a...
Bleon Pajaziti oCourtesyflow oCourtesyflow - Control, Management of Exchange Management and Verification Description oCourtesyflow enables efficient management and tracking of claims for returned courtesy cars. It includes specif...
Bleon Pajaziti oSalesflow oSalesflow - Control, Management of Sales Funnel Process Description oSalesflow allows you to generate leads directly from a helpdesk system. It optimizes collaboration between customer support and th...
Bleon Pajaziti oSurvey oSurvey - Control, Management of Survey Management Description oSurvey is a tool for creating, distributing, and analyzing surveys. It enables companies to collect and evaluate feedback from employees...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker oPreference oPreference - Subprocess for Media Preference of Customer Data Description The oPreference is a central solution that enables customers to easily manage their communication and data preferences. It he...
Bleon Pajaziti oLead oLead - Control, management of lead forms for lead generation Description oLead is a dynamic solution for the efficient capture and management of leads. Companies can store their products in the syste...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker oLandingpage oLandingpage - Control, Management of Landing Pages and Forms Description oLandingpage is a tool that enables companies to quickly and easily create landing pages without technical knowledge. It suppo...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker oNotification oNotification - Control, Management of Communication and Information Platform Processes Description oNotification oNotification enables automated and personalized communication with customers. It allo...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker oNurturing oNurturing - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Digital, Multi-Stage Campaigns + Sales Automation oNurturing is a comprehensive lead nurturing solution that helps companies build and maintain ...