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Solutions - Overview

pdc Relation Manager  "xTool-Solutions" 

Platform for Data, Relationship, and Marketing Automation Process Control Solutions for Relationship, Data, Loyalty & Campaign Automation.

Digitize all your customer data + customer dialogue business processes - management of customer data, control of marketing automations for lead and customer loyalty management

Management Frontend Hub - SaaS Solution for Data Relation Management
Frontend management application for the overview and handling of your customer data and execution of campaigns and processes.

xOnline ¦ xRelation.web - Digital web interface management of CRM, campaigns, data processes 
xAdress - Management of contact and address data as well as relation to product/trade

xSelection - Function for data search and data selection

xStatistik - Visualization, Data Management, Key Figures, Reports + Data Information

xPermission - Individual Delivery Management Permission


xLMT - Process interface for lead management control and sales funnel

xDialog - Process interface for campaign or offer management / visualization

xWorkflow - Management of Campaigns and Process Flows

xProduction - Control of campaigns and output management including PDF rendering

Campaign Manager - Subprocess Campaign Manager for Paper + Digital Campaigns

SelfService Manager Subprocess for Self-Service Campaigns

xLead - Management for Integrated Lead Generation / Lead Capture (Web APP)

xRecall - Subprocess for Recall Management

Control Backend Hub - SaaS Solution for Data Relation Management
Backend control application for managing your customer data and automating processes,
campaigns and dataflows

xRelation.base - Control, planning, and orchestration of processes, data, relations, tables, interfaces, etc.

xData - Control of Data Processes

xAPI - Interface Management

xCleansing - Management of Address Corrections, Mutations, Verification Processes

xSecure - Application Security Management


xFullfill - Management of campaigns, output and channels, frequencies, etc.

xContact - Management of Call Processes

pdc Digital Manager "oTools- Solutions"

Platform for Digital Customer Interaction - Digital Process Solutions for Marketing Campaigns + Event Interactions

Digitize all your marketing + customer dialogue business processes - marketing campaigns, campaigns & nurturing automations, event + registration solutions including payment + eTicketing

Management Frontend & Control Backend Hub - SaaS Solution for Marketing Campaigns + Event Interactions

Marketing Interaction Hub (MIH)

  • oEvent - Control, planning, and orchestration of event and participant management including payment, e-ticketing, etc.
  • oNurturing - Management and orchestration of digital, multi-stage campaigns + Sales Automation
  • oNotification - Control, Management of Communication and Information Platform Processes
  • oPreference - Subprocess for Media Preference of Customer Data
  • oLandingpage - Control, Management of Landing Pages and Forms
  • oLead - Control, management of lead forms for lead generation
  • oStocklockator - Control, Management of Inventory

Platform for Digital Customer Interaction - Digital Process Solutions for Help Desk and Ticket Management

digitize all your customer dialogue + customer service business processes - customer ticketing management for your complete customer service control, business help desk manager for managing your internal ticket and support control.

Management Frontend & Control Backend Hub - SaaS Solution for Help Desk + Ticketing Interactions

Customer Interaction Hub (CIH)

  • oCustomer-Helpdesk - Management, Planning + Orchestration of Complex Help Desk + Ticketing for Customer Service
  • oSalesFlow - Control, Management of Sales Funnel Process
  • oGoodwillflow - Control, Management of Goodwill Management and Verification
  • oSurvey - Control, Management of Survey Management

Business Interaction Hub (BIH)

  • oBusiness-Helpdesk - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Complex Help Desk and Ticketing for Service Points
  • oGoodwillflow - Control, Management of Goodwill Management and Verification
  • oCourtesyflow - Control, Management of Exchange Management and Verification
  • oStcolocator - Control, Management of Inventory