pdc Relation Manager "xTool-Solutions"
Platform for Data, Relationship, and Marketing Automation Process Control Solutions for
Relationship, Data, Loyalty & Campaign Automation
Digitize all your customer data + customer dialogue business processes - management of customer data, control of marketing automations for lead and customer loyalty management

xOnline ¦ xRelation.web - SaaS solution for data relation and campaign management
xOnline ¦ xRelation.web - Basic module with additional features integrated:
- xAdress - Management of contact and address data as well as relation to product/trade
- xSelection - Function for data search and data selection
- xStatistik - Visualization, Data Management, Key Figures, Reports + Data Information
- xPermission - Individual Delivery Management Permission

xProduction.Campaign - Management of campaigns and output management including PDF rendering
Campaign Manager - Subprocess Campaign Manager for Paper + Digital Campaigns

xProduction.Selfservice - Template Library with Campaign Templates for Free Use
SelfService Manager Subprocess for Self-Service Campaigns
xProduction.Shop - Shopping Cart Manager for Merchandise, Documents, Downloads, Print Materials, etc.COMING SOON

xRelation.base - Backend - SaaS-Solution for Data Relation Management
xRelation.base - Basic module with additional features integrated:
- xData - Hosting & Management of Address and Relation Data Processes (Customer Data, Merchant Data, Product Data)
- xCleansing - Procedures and Features for Address Data Optimization(Dubletten, Korrekturen, Mutationen, Abgleiche, Normierung)
- xAPI - Management of Interfaces and Data Transfer
- xCleansing - Management of address corrections, mutations, phonetic checks, automations
- xSecure - Application Security Management
- xFullfill - Management of campaigns, output and channels, frequencies, etc.
- xContact - Management of Call Processes