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pdc Relation Manager  "xTool-Solutions" 

Platform for Data, Relationship, and Marketing Automation Process Control Solutions for 

Relationship, Data, Loyalty & Campaign Automation

Digitize all your customer data + customer dialogue business processes - management of customer data, control of marketing automations for lead and customer loyalty management

xProduction.Campaign - Management of campaigns and output management including PDF rendering

Campaign Manager - Subprocess Campaign Manager for Paper + Digital Campaigns

xProduction.Selfservice - Template Library with Campaign Templates for Free Use

SelfService Manager Subprocess for Self-Service Campaigns

xProduction.Shop - Shopping Cart Manager for Merchandise, Documents, Downloads, Print Materials, etc.COMING SOON

xRelation.base - Backend - SaaS-Solution for Data Relation Management

Relation Control Backend - Control application for managing your customer data and automating processes, campaigns, and data flows. xRelation.base is the portal for controlling, planning, and orchestrating processes, data, relations, tables, interfaces, etc. The features listed below are integrated as modules that can be activated and have their corresponding functions.

xRelation.base - Basic module with additional features integrated:

  • xData - Hosting & Management of Address and Relation Data Processes (Customer Data, Merchant Data, Product Data)
  • xCleansing - Procedures and Features for Address Data Optimization(Dubletten, Korrekturen, Mutationen, Abgleiche, Normierung) 
  • xAPI - Management of Interfaces and Data Transfer
  • xCleansing - Management of address corrections, mutations, phonetic checks, automations
  • xSecure - Application Security Management
  • xFullfill - Management of campaigns, output and channels, frequencies, etc.
  • xContact - Management of Call Processes