Campaign + Dialog Management
We provide you with tools and services for complete execution, whether simple or multi-step, across all channels such as digital, phone, paper, and SMS – all from a single source.
We have a modern in-house lettershop, a contact center profit center for inbound and outbound actions, and we conduct integrated eCampaigns (email, SMS) using various tools. Together with you as the client and your creative agencies, we develop concepts and then fully implement them as a full-service provider. In addition, we have our own warehouses that allow us to take over your complete fulfillment. Multi-stage and highly complex mailings as well as multiple personalizations are our specialty. No dialogue concept without response management – we handle the entire process either integrated or modular.
- Dialogue Strategies
- Channel Concepts
- Process Design of Campaigns
- Multi-tiered Multichannel Strategies
- Creation of interconnected digital concepts
- Production Consulting (Print/POS)
- Merchandise Buying
- Web Portal for Digital "Ready for Print"
- Lettershop, Digital Printing
- Machine and manual assembly
- ContactCenter In/Outbound
- eNews (technical optimizations)
- Mobile Campaigns
- Warehouse Management
- Response Management
- SMS Sending
Platform for digital data, relationships, and marketing automation
- xRelation.base
- xFulfill
- xContact
- xOnline (xRelation.web)
- xDialog
- xPermission
- xProduction
- Campaign Manager (digital + paper)
- Self Service Manager (digital + paper)
- xLead
Platform for digital customer marketing interaction
- oEvent
- oNurturing
- oPreference
- oLandingpage
Platform for digital helpdesk and ticketing interaction
- Customer Help Desk + Ticketing Manager
- Dealer Help Desk + Ticketing Manager