Automotive Fullservice & Solutions
With our many years of experience in the automotive industry, we offer modular process solutions, specific functions, interfaces, and campaign services for the entire marketing and CRM cycle in the automotive sector, from lead generation to after-sales management..
With various industry systems such as sales workstations "auto-i, autowert" or DMS "Stieger, filax, autoline, etc.", there are data interfaces. As a recognized partner, we specialize in all your marketing requirements, whether through multi-stage, complex processes and integrations or individual services in dialog marketing such as email, SMS, calls, or paper mailing campaigns..
pdc has extensive know-how and service competence for all marketing processes in the automotive industry with its own developed CRM and marketing database as well as campaign management system "xRelation and xOnline" and provides the corresponding support with its units "Digital, Fulfillment, Contact Center, IT, and Project Management."
Automotive Consulting
- CRM + Marketing Strategies and Processes
- Dialogue + Campaign Strategies
- IT and Digital Strategies
- Database concepts
- Automation processes and control procedures
- Interfaces + Data Processes
- Reporting + Analysis Center
- GDPR and Permission Definitions
- Project + Order Management
Automotive Services
- Data processing, data management
- Data acquisition, data optimization
- Lead Automation, Fulfillment, Lead Management
- Customer contact programs, customer loyalty, customer clubs
- Digital Campaigns (Email, SMS)
- Campaigns (Call)
- Campaigns (Paper Mailing)
- Event Management/Organization
- Interface programming
- Reporting, Analysis
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Mystery Shopper Evaluations
CRM + Marketing Strategies and Processes
Platform for digital data, relationships, and marketing automation
- xRelation.base
- xFulfill
- xContact
- xOnline (xRelation.web)
- xDialog
- xPermission
- xProduction
- Kampagnen Manager (digital + Paper)
- Self Service Manager (digital + Paper)
- xLead
Platform for digital customer marketing interaction
- oEvent
- oNurturing
- oPreference
- oLandingpage
Platform for digital helpdesk and ticketing interaction
- Kunden-Helpdesk- und Ticketing-Manager
- Händler-Helpdesk- und Ticketing-Manager