xProduction.Campaign - Management of campaigns and output management including PDF rendering
Subprocess for defined campaigns (Paper + Digital) with time limitation
Control module including functions (xWorkflow) for executing campaign management processes (Dealer DEM Tool) including template (pdf, html) features and functions for the gateway outputs by mail and/or digital
Process Solution
With xProduction.Campaign, campaigns are published and the individual, sometimes personalized templates are visually presented for the user to edit and approve. Depending on the concept and approval, sections of the templates (digitally or by mail) can be edited freely or according to specifications. The user is guided through the steps and can efficiently edit the campaign and approve it for production.
Campaigns are time-defined output activities that always have a start and end date.
- Campaign Manager with Order Management Process (xList) including Sub-Process for Template Management
- - integriert in xOnline Frontend
- - Workflow Print + eMail
- Workflow Control
- - postalisch
- digital
- Web platform for template management and personalization interaction for the user (merchant)
- Feature Merchant Data Integration, login-controlled for merchant customization (logo, address, signature) from xRelation Database
- Sub-Prozess Funktionen für
- Template Manager
- - Textbausteine
- - Bild Management (Bilddarstellung, Upload)
- - Features für Individualisierung (Mutationszonen)
- Data Manager for Data Transfer and Data Upload
- Planning Manager for Output
- - Kampagnen mittel definierter Output-Planung
- Data backup
- Voice control d,f,i
- Gateway Output
- for pdf to Print
- for xml for digital
Reporting Manager for Digital Delivery, Bounce