pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Julia Klee xLMT xLMT - Process interface for lead management control and sales funnel Beschreibung xLMT is a tool specifically designed for the management and control of leads. It expands the base module xRelation an...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xDialog xDialog - Process interface for campaign or offer management / visualization Description xDialog is a tool for creating, customizing, and managing templates for customer contact programs, for example....
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xProduction.Campaign xProduction.Selfservice - Campaign Manager for Dealers Subprocess for predefined digital templates for independent realization Description Control module including functions for independent (SELF-SERV...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xProduction.Campaign xProduction.Campaign - Management of campaigns and output management including PDF rendering Subprocess for defined campaigns (Paper + Digital) with time limitation Description Control module includin...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xRecall xRecall - Recall Manager as a service module for supporting and executing customer information and execution control Description Recall actions are not unusual in the automotive sector as well as in o...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xWorkflow xWorkflow - Management of Campaigns and Process Flows Description Control module for creating campaign workflow processes including order interaction with information presentation, guided processes su...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xLead - SaaS Solution für Lead Capture xLead - Management for Integrated Lead Generation / Lead Capture (Web APP) Description An online tool for efficiently capturing leads at events such as exhibitions and trade shows. It is typically use...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xRelation.base - backend xRelation.base - Backend solution for data relation and campaign management Description xRelation.base is the central backend portal for managing customer data, automating processes, and controlling c...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker xOnline ¦ xRelation.web - Basic Module for Data Relation & Campaign Management. xOnline ¦ xRelation.web - SaaS solution for data relation and campaign management Beschreibung xOnline | xRelation.web ist eine webbasierte Oberfläche für das zentrale Management von Kundendaten, die ...
pdc Marketing + Information Technology AG, Stefan Isliker oEvent oEvent - Control, planning, and orchestration of event and participant management including payment, e-ticketing, etc. Description oEvent is a versatile module for organizing, managing, and executing ...
Bleon Pajaziti oCustomer Helpdesk oCustomer Helpdesk - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Complex Help Desk and Ticketing for Customer Service Description oCustomer Helpdesk is a flexible and scalable tool for managing and pro...
Bleon Pajaziti oBusiness Helpdesk oBusiness Helpdesk - Management, Planning, and Orchestration of Complex Help Desk and Ticketing for Customer Service Description oBusiness Helpdesk is an internal tool that helps companies provide eff...